Our Chicken with Thyme & Root Veg Puppy recipe includes freshly prepared chicken, thyme, peas, potato, parsnip, carrot, and a tasty gravy. This tasty chicken puppy food recipe is packed with goodness and nutritional value. If you want your furry friend to grow up big and strong, this is the puppy kibble for you.
Chicken (37%, including Dried Chicken 25%, Freshly Prepared Chicken 10%, Chicken Gravy 2%), Potato, Sweet Potato, Potato Protein, Chicken Oil, Whole Peas (2.0%), Dried Carrot (2.0%), Dried Parsnip (2.0%), Salmon Oil, Sugar Beet, Monosodium Phosphate, Chicory Root Extract (as a source of Prebiotic FOS) (0.3%), Citrus Extracts (0.2%), Mannan-oligosaccharides (Prebiotic MOS) (0.1%), High Nucleotide Yeast, Apple Cider Vinegar Powder (200mg/kg), Dried Spearmint (200mg/kg), Honey Powder (200mg/kg), Dried Nettle (200mg/kg), Dried Thyme (200mg/kg), Extract of Yucca Schidigera, Tyndallised Lactobacillus Helveticus HA-122 (0.01%).