Tummy Tastic by Proflax comes in a 350g tub with a handy 20g measuring scoop.
Ideal for keeping your dog’s tummy in tip-top condition. Tummy Tastic supports a healthy and balanced digestive system. As such giving Tummy Tastic will help reduce stomach discomfort, remove toxins, aid the absorption of nutrients and bolster immune function. Medications, vaccinations, antibiotics, stress and illness can take their toll on your dog’s digestive system and the probiotics contained in Tummy Tastic redress that balance.
Proflax Tummy Tastic will help to increase the levels of good gut bacteria. which is great for all dogs, but especially valuable for dogs suffering from pancreatic issues.
Ingredients such as slippery elm, chamomile, fennel and dandelion have been used. Natural probiotics are gentle on the digestive system whilst being highly effective. The natural clay in Tummy Tastic will remove nasty toxins from the gut walls.
Feeding guidelines:
Add to your pets Raw, Wet or Dry food
Miniature dogs up to 5kg (qtr of a scoop)
Small dogs up 5-10kg: 10g (half a scoop)
Medium dogs 10-25kg: 20g (one scoop)
Large dogs 25-40kg: 30g (one and a half scoops)
Giant dogs over 40kg: 40g (two scoops)
Store in a cool, dark, moisture free place.
Suitable for all breeds over 8 weeks old.
Not to be given to pregnant/nursing bitches or dogs who are allergic to the ingredients listed. If in doubt, please consult your vet for advice.
Slippery Elm. Fennel. Chamomile. Dandelion. Dried Chicory root extract (prebiotic fructooligosaccharide).
Added Probiotics; Enterococcus faecium & Bacillus subtilis.
100% Natural Clays; Montmorillonite & Sepiolite clays